1/19 :: the devil said to him...
read luke 4:1-4
it is always encouraging to remind ourselves that Jesus, who is currently seated at the right hand of the father interceding for us, knows what temptation is like. when we are being attacked by the enemy, our intercessor knows how to pray because he has been through it and knows how to win. in fact, he has never lost. spiritual attack is a certainty for Christians, and we should expect a significant increase as we start a new church. satan hates you and everything you are in Christ, and he is terrified of what we are accomplishing as a church. he is jealous and it drives him crazy to see us live abundant and free lives. on three separate days, we will look at the three areas of attack that Jesus experienced in the desert, and pray against those attacks in our own lives.
in the first part of the passage we see Jesus in the desert at the end of a forty day fast. satan begins by attacking his physical needs, tempting him with food. take time to think about the ways satan attacks you physically. perhaps you battle with your self image… lust… sexual temptation… alcohol or drug addiction… pornography… etc. satan loves to attack these areas because when we struggle physically it affects us spiritually.
† pray against the physical attacks of the enemy, both for yourself and the church as a whole.
Thank You, Father, for this day. Thank You for using the enemy's opposition to strengthen us - to clearly show us our utter dependance on You.
Father, I ask You, in the name of Jesus Christ, to reign Your Kingdom down upon us. Accomplish Your perfect will in and through us.
Father, I bind the enemy right now, in the only name, the name of Jesus. Protect us as we do Your work. I ask You to tell Your enemy NO when he seeks to come against Your children. Help us to overcome the areas of our lives that he still has a foothold in. Show us any weakness, that we may ask You to shore it up, and in so doing, make us more and more like You.
Father, as we depend on You to mend our broken lives, may You be glorified in all we do in our lives, and in Your name.
Father, we choose to trust You. Thank You for Your faithfulness, even when we are not.
We love You, we praise You, and we ask these things in the name of Jesus. AMEN
ann, at 20.1.06
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