1/23 :: to each one...
read 1 corinthians 12:7
God is in you. literally. and he has very specific ways in which he reveals that fact to the world. the church term here is “spiritual gifts” because these manifestations are freely and uniquely given to each of us. however, they are a gift not to us as individuals, but to the church body as a whole. all of our gifts work together for the strengthening of the church and the furthering of the kingdom. in other words, you are a gift to the ring community church. God has given us a gift, by manifesting himself in your life in such unique ways. we cannot be the ring community church without you.
† pray and ask God to reveal the “manifestations of the spirit” in your own life. continue to pray for guidance as you find your place in this church.
God is in you. literally. and he has very specific ways in which he reveals that fact to the world. the church term here is “spiritual gifts” because these manifestations are freely and uniquely given to each of us. however, they are a gift not to us as individuals, but to the church body as a whole. all of our gifts work together for the strengthening of the church and the furthering of the kingdom. in other words, you are a gift to the ring community church. God has given us a gift, by manifesting himself in your life in such unique ways. we cannot be the ring community church without you.
† pray and ask God to reveal the “manifestations of the spirit” in your own life. continue to pray for guidance as you find your place in this church.
Father, thank You for this day. Thank You for choosing to dwell within us - for giving us Your mighty power and Your Holy Spirit. Thank You for unveiling the way that You choose to maifest Your Spirit in our lives.
Father, thank You for allowing us to walk side-by-side with others who have known You differently than we do - that we get to learn more about You because of this gift.
Lord, we ask that You continue to reveal to us our Spiritual giftings, that we may be responsible with them - that we never use them for our own good, but only for the good of others. Father, convict us harshly and quickly if pride ever rears it's ugly head. This is about You, and You alone.
For Your glory, in Jesus' name we pray. AMEN
ann, at 24.1.06
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