1/24 :: you will be my witnesses...
read acts 1:8
take time to really think about this… what do you think it means to be one of Christ’s “witnesses”?
in the space provided on the next page, or in a space of your own, make a list of reasons that being a witness or witnessing is intimidating to you.
† today, pray through the list you made, asking God to remove all intimidation and replace it with boldness and confidence. (keep in mind that the outpouring of the power of God through the indwelling of his Spirit within you precedes being a witness… which should play a significant role in making witnessing far less intimidating).
take time to really think about this… what do you think it means to be one of Christ’s “witnesses”?
in the space provided on the next page, or in a space of your own, make a list of reasons that being a witness or witnessing is intimidating to you.
† today, pray through the list you made, asking God to remove all intimidation and replace it with boldness and confidence. (keep in mind that the outpouring of the power of God through the indwelling of his Spirit within you precedes being a witness… which should play a significant role in making witnessing far less intimidating).
Father, may we never look to formulas to define You or to represent You to the world. May we always live out our faith in a real, tangible way that accurately represents You.
Help us, Lord, to overcome the zealot stereotypes - even in our own minds - as we strive to be Your witness to this world. May You do a mighty work in our lives and in the lives of the communities around us. Help us to overcome natural reticence, and to be driven and guided by Your Holy Spirit - to be immediately obedient to Your calling to go when we hear it.
Thank You, Lord, for loving us so passionately. Keep our hearts ever before You.
In Jesus name - AMEN
ann, at 25.1.06
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