1/25 :: the devil led him...
read luke 4:1-8
go back to the january 19th entry and read the first paragraph again, just as a reminder.
the second attempt by satan to tempt Jesus essentially is an appeal to his pride. after all, who wouldn’t want all the authority and splendor of all the kingdoms of the world? ok, so obviously Jesus wouldn’t, but we can see how that would be tempting. he is offering money and power… two things we love. satan knows we are prideful and he will attack us by appealing to our egos. pride is dangerous because it is really just the deification of self. we all want to be God, and satan has been throwing that at humanity since eden. look at Jesus’ response… he refuses to worship anything other that God, including himself. satan wants us to choose anything but God to worship, so why not start with everyone’s favorite option… self.
† take time to think about the ways that satan attacks your pride. remember that those are ways that satan is trying to get you to choose anything but God and he is ultimately tempting you with idolatry. pray against that for yourself and our church.
go back to the january 19th entry and read the first paragraph again, just as a reminder.
the second attempt by satan to tempt Jesus essentially is an appeal to his pride. after all, who wouldn’t want all the authority and splendor of all the kingdoms of the world? ok, so obviously Jesus wouldn’t, but we can see how that would be tempting. he is offering money and power… two things we love. satan knows we are prideful and he will attack us by appealing to our egos. pride is dangerous because it is really just the deification of self. we all want to be God, and satan has been throwing that at humanity since eden. look at Jesus’ response… he refuses to worship anything other that God, including himself. satan wants us to choose anything but God to worship, so why not start with everyone’s favorite option… self.
† take time to think about the ways that satan attacks your pride. remember that those are ways that satan is trying to get you to choose anything but God and he is ultimately tempting you with idolatry. pray against that for yourself and our church.
Father, simply, strip away our pride and lay us bare before You.
In Jesus'name, AMEN
ann, at 26.1.06
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