1/28 :: night and day i constantly remember you...
read 2 timothy 1:3-6
timothy was discipled by paul, and in this passage we get a glimpse of what a true mentoring relationship looks like. we see that paul constantly prayed for timothy… he recalled their experiences which indicates much more than a passive friendship, but a deep history that he cannot forget… he knew timothy’s spiritual heritage, and remembered it in great detail… he was encouraging to timothy by affirming that he sees that sincere faith in him too. we need people in our lives who know us this well. we need people in our lives that we know this well. it has been said that we need 3 kinds of people in our lives: people who have walked with God longer than us, people who are at the same point in the journey, and people who have not walked with God as long as we have. this allows us to be poured into, as well as pouring back into the lives of others. our church will be a church where this happens intentionally as well as casually. we want to be disciples of Christ who make other disciples of Christ.
† pray that God will begin to show you who he has put in your life to play these 3 roles.
timothy was discipled by paul, and in this passage we get a glimpse of what a true mentoring relationship looks like. we see that paul constantly prayed for timothy… he recalled their experiences which indicates much more than a passive friendship, but a deep history that he cannot forget… he knew timothy’s spiritual heritage, and remembered it in great detail… he was encouraging to timothy by affirming that he sees that sincere faith in him too. we need people in our lives who know us this well. we need people in our lives that we know this well. it has been said that we need 3 kinds of people in our lives: people who have walked with God longer than us, people who are at the same point in the journey, and people who have not walked with God as long as we have. this allows us to be poured into, as well as pouring back into the lives of others. our church will be a church where this happens intentionally as well as casually. we want to be disciples of Christ who make other disciples of Christ.
† pray that God will begin to show you who he has put in your life to play these 3 roles.
Father, show us how to develop these deep and abiding relationships - help us to be open to new ones and not get stuck, stagnant and comfortable in our old, familiar ones.
Jesus, thank You, deeply, for this community. Thank You for this church and this opportunity to serve You in this way. Let us never settle for mediocrity, but help us to press on toward You. Help us, Lord, to be a community that constantly remembers You, and each other - a community that is willing to stop, to slow down, to respond immediately and passionately when we hear Your voice.
Father, we love You, we praise You and we ask these things in the name of Jesus. AMEN
ann, at 29.1.06
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