1/17 :: two very small copper coins...
read luke 21:1-4
people get a little uneasy when you start talking about money at church. there are a number of reasons for this uneasiness, and many of them are justifiable. in this text, Jesus addresses money in a way that is brief, but one that challenges us deeply as well by showing us what matters most to God. Jesus was impressed by her heart, not the amount she gave. do you ever struggle with giving, particularly in regard to the amount? it is easy to feel guilty because you don’t think you are giving enough. or, when you look at how much you give in comparison to the total (or what others give), you ask yourself, “what’s the point?” when you give, keep this passage in mind, particularly the words of Christ… “this poor widow has put in more than all the others.” he looks at the heart, always.
† as we all learn to give of ourselves in every way, including out finances, pray that God would challenge and change your heart to be one who gives out of gratitude and love.
people get a little uneasy when you start talking about money at church. there are a number of reasons for this uneasiness, and many of them are justifiable. in this text, Jesus addresses money in a way that is brief, but one that challenges us deeply as well by showing us what matters most to God. Jesus was impressed by her heart, not the amount she gave. do you ever struggle with giving, particularly in regard to the amount? it is easy to feel guilty because you don’t think you are giving enough. or, when you look at how much you give in comparison to the total (or what others give), you ask yourself, “what’s the point?” when you give, keep this passage in mind, particularly the words of Christ… “this poor widow has put in more than all the others.” he looks at the heart, always.
† as we all learn to give of ourselves in every way, including out finances, pray that God would challenge and change your heart to be one who gives out of gratitude and love.
Father, I ask You to let the reality of giving as an act of worship sink deeply into us. Let us not give out of obligation or fear, but rather out of our deep love for You, what You are doing in this Body, in this Church and in our lives. We choose to trust You, and we are honored to be along for the ride. Thank You for that. Thank You for looking into our hearts and not being repelled. Thank You that You desire us to trust You so much that Your Word encourages us to test You in our giving... Lord, forgive our tentative hearts and times when we do write out the check with a long sigh... thank You for Your love, for Your Kingdom reigning in this place. Lord, we praise Your holy name.
In Jesus'name, AMEN
ann, at 18.1.06
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