2/8 :: we will be content...
read 1 timothy 6:6-10
money will make you do crazy things. people lie, cheat, steal, deceive, hoard, splurge, love, hate, worry, stress, betray, go to war and dive into debt… just for money. if we take time to examine our culture, we can trace many of the “evil” things back down the money trail. right after this passage, paul writes to timothy, “but you, man of God, flee from all this and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness.” we should be running in the opposite direction, but many of us spend a great deal of time heading right for it. how have you seen this in your own life? does your love of money keep you from the things of God like giving to the poor? ... anyone who has a need?… giving to the church?
† pray that God would protect you from the strongholds of wealth and materialism that surround our culture. when you pray, think about how giving and being generous with your money is a way of disciplining yourself when it comes to this. it is a way of saying, “I will not be controlled by anyone or anything other than God.”
money will make you do crazy things. people lie, cheat, steal, deceive, hoard, splurge, love, hate, worry, stress, betray, go to war and dive into debt… just for money. if we take time to examine our culture, we can trace many of the “evil” things back down the money trail. right after this passage, paul writes to timothy, “but you, man of God, flee from all this and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness.” we should be running in the opposite direction, but many of us spend a great deal of time heading right for it. how have you seen this in your own life? does your love of money keep you from the things of God like giving to the poor? ... anyone who has a need?… giving to the church?
† pray that God would protect you from the strongholds of wealth and materialism that surround our culture. when you pray, think about how giving and being generous with your money is a way of disciplining yourself when it comes to this. it is a way of saying, “I will not be controlled by anyone or anything other than God.”
Father, thank You that Your best is always the best for us - that we can trust You to always be faithful. Thank You that our hearts can rest in the knowledge of You, Your faithfulness and Your provision. Father, let us find utter contentment in You, and not look to the things, nor the people of this world for the peace and provision that we so desire. Father, let the truth of Your love overwhelm us - that we cannot help but be content in You and the glory of knowing You, of abiding in You, of walking everyday so closely with You that we are stepping on Your toes. Father, thank You.
In Jesus' name I pray. AMEN
ann, at 8.2.06
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